Wednesday, March 27, 2013

On Behalf Of The Day Before Yesterday...

I haven't posted in three days, so I will keep these next two posts in a state of brevity. 

To start: The day before yesterday, we decided to go to Torino's natural history museum. (I don't remember what it was called. [Hey it was two days ago!]) Anyway, I was excited. I wasn't sure what to expect- the size, the collection they would have- all of it- I wasn't sure about. We (mom, Griffin, Sean, and I) headed down about oh, I don't know... maybe eight blocks? Sean would know for sure. To an old church (I knew it was a church because there was a plaque pronouncing it) with one of the glass doors with the museum's symbol on it. 

When we went inside we were greeted by a small corner ticket booth. After some fumbling by the ticket booth people, we received our tickets and were told not to go into the middle glass door that I could see fancy rocks and stuff through, but to go down the hall on the right, down the stairs to the door on the left. 

The room we emerged into looked like a home basement. In the center of the room, a platform raised about a foot above the ground held twenty or so stuffed dead animals- foxes, deer, falcons, eagles, parrots- they had it all. There were doorways branching off of the main room. To keep this brief, I will describe my favorite. It was a small room. Just a couple of feet into it was a railing. We were facing twelve televisions, surrounded by mirrors. This made it look as off there were hundreds of Seans, Haileys, Griffins, and moms facing a television globe.

Us and the TV globe
After that we went up the stairs into a still very church-like room filled with dress from the dark ages. The ceiling was chipped in places, but seemed to me, to boarder on dark ages and The Rebirth style.
The ceiling, though not well preserved, was gorgeous 
We continued to wander up and through abandoned halls observing various dead animal displays- most of which did not have glass.In the last exhibit, I saw a sign: No foto. oops!
A polar bear from a wintery setup that included a wolf, an arctic fox, and a snowy owl

Tortoise! It was about three feet tall!
Also today, we saw the inside of our local church- more on that in a later post.
Local church- wow

Until then,

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