Thursday, April 11, 2013

Tuesday and Wednesday

Today was Tuesday and it was much the same as Monday. Except that this time Hailey was sick again. We just kind of hung around hoping that Hailey would feel better tomorrow. It was a long day. The next day, Wednesday was much the same, but the rest of us got out of the house to go to the bakery and grocery. We got some bread and stuff along with some sweets from the bakery. We ate our lunch and then just hung out for a while before heading to the park. We spent a while there. We used some chalk and messed around at the playground until three. That night Juventus played a soccer game (they lost) :(. After trying for a while to watch the game online we finally gave up. After that I went to bed. I'll post again soon.

1 comment:

  1. i hope hailey feels better, sean you should check your google+, and sorry for not reading and commenting so far.

    -anthony caruso
