Sunday, March 24, 2013

Ikea and FORKS!

Today I felt very at home. The blue skies were clogged with grey clouds, making the light dull. Rain, starting in small droplets quickly progressed into a downpour, slapping the ground in quick spurts. How very Oregon. Another thing that reminded me of home was going to Ikea. 
Pelin was being especially cute today
To get to Ikea we had to go to our local train station and get onto the metro. The train station (which was beautiful and old) was only a couple of blocks away from our flat, although it felt like longer in the downpour. After leaping puddles and crossing a wide, busy street, we got to the entrance to the metro. The first few steps down were soggy and the descent into the tunnel gave you the feeling of climbing into a sea cave. The metro train (according to dad) was built for easy travel during the 2006 Winter Olympics. Since it was new it was fairly fast and we arrived at our stop (the last one) very quickly. After ascending the stairs at our stop, (also damp) there was supposedly an Ikea bus waiting for us. We saw a blue and yellow bus on the other side of the road- IKEA! We crossed the road towards the bus. There was no driver, and the bus was parked. Apparently that wasn't the Ikea bus. We then went to a bus stop shelter with some locals. Many buses came and went, but none of them was the Ikea bus. After a few minutes, we saw it, the Ikea bus! We crossed the street to board, but the bus driver told us that this was where he dropped off the people coming from Ikea and that he picked up his passengers at the stop where we were previously. So, feeling slightly stupid, we headed back to the stop. The locals looked at us strangely. However, we got to Ikea alright. 

The Ikea in Turin was much like the one in Portland. The only differences were these: It had a large outdoor section, different foods in their restaurant (no meatballs... :-( ) , and a larger selection of seat cushions. While we were there we bought some new silverware (all the utensils, especially the forks in our flat were wooden) and new cups (there weren't very many). We also bought Chocoladflarn, delicious swedish cookies with  chocolate that we usually get at our Ikea.

wooden forks

Ikea forks!
Thank you for reading yet another one of my posts. 
Ciao for now!