Thursday, March 21, 2013

Our First Day in Italy

We are actually in Turin, Italy, at last. After two days of flying all day, I was very ready to be here. I was surprised at how nice our house is. It is a reasonably spacious apartment and is very comfy. Also we met the cat who lives in the apartment, and we are taking care of, her name is Pelin, and she is very shy ( there is a picture of her in Hailey's post). On our first day here we checked out the house and walked down to the Po river, they have a nice walkway along the shore of the river. We saw a cool building just down the street from our apartment (I think Hailey posted a picture of it). There are many good stores and restaurants. It is a very cool city, and so far I like it. We went to an awesome pizzeria, and had a pizza that was among the best that I have ever had. I think Hailey posted a picture that showed us at the pizzeria. I saw lots of cars, and two that were not hatchbacks or city cars. Also there are lots of brands we don't have at home here, like Lancia, Skoda, Renault, Citroen, and Fiat. Today I think we are just going to explore the city some more, maybe see some of the main shopping streets, like the via Po (yes, named after the river, it goes from city center to the river). I can't wait to do more exploring in the city and then eventually go to other cities and towns, but for now we are getting used to Turin (which everyone else in the world calls Torino). So far I like the city and am excited to see some more of it. Sorry I don't  have any pictures, but I probably will for the next post. Please comment. I'll post again soon.

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